Laura 28th August 2021

Grief is a funny thing mum. Some days I’m strong when I remember that you’re not here anymore and go throughout the days with my head held high in pride knowing that I’m my mothers daughter and your legacy lives on in me. But other days the realisation and the shock hits me like a ton of bricks as if you went yesterday and I literally just cannot believe that you’re gone. I miss you so much and I will always need you. I wish I could talk to you and hear your advice and guidance on a lot of things in my life right now, and have one of your comforting patty hugs! I hope you’re okay wherever you are in the other realm. I sometimes wonder what you get up to but I reckon you’ll be helping and caring for others with your big heart like you did on earth ❤️. Please pop in and say hi every now and then, let me know you’re there. I love you always 💜🦋